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HomeEventsOBS Casual Ride - Second Saturday

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OBS Casual Ride - Second Saturday

Date and Time

Saturday, July 13, 2024, 7:30 AM until 12:00 PM


901 SE 5th Street (Near Riverfsports)
Oklahoma City, OK  

Event Contact(s)

Cathy M Marsala
405-514-0662 (c)


OBS Rides

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Casual Riders rides are moderately paced rides (12-14 mph) at distances of 25 to 40+ miles. Each Saturday of the months of April-October, the rides start at different locations and have different leaders.

Second Satuarday:
Bar-K (901 SE 5th S ) to Lake Overholser–37 miles

No RWGPS needed—all on River Trails.