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in central Oklahoma since 1974

HomePathfinder Newsletter

Pathfinder Newsletter

The Pathfinder is the monthly newsletter published by OBS. It is available to everyone, members and non-members. Click the link below to find the most recent newsletter. Click the archive link for nearly all newsletters published since OBS was formed in 1973.

March 2025 Pathfinder Pathfinder Archive     

OBS Pathfinder Submissions


We try to get the newsletter out to our members the last week of the month prior to the face date on the publication. Therefore, in order to allow time for editing and emailing, the submission deadline is the fifteenth (15th) of the previous month. (For example, for the April newsletter, the deadline is the March 15.) The deadline applies to both articles and advertising.


Anyone may submit an article for publication in the OBS newsletter. All articles are subject to approval of the editor. 

Ideas for articles:

  • Tales of bike trips, recent or in the past
  • Funny or interesting things that happened on a ride
  • Product reviews
  • Tech tips for cyclists
  • News of local cycling developments such as trails, changes to cycling laws, etc.
  • Interesting cycling developments in nearby states


Article length can be anything from a few sentences to several pages. Anything more than 4 pages will probably be split and published in consecutive months.  If newsletter space is not available to publish the entire article, it may be edited to a length suitable for inclusion (this is rare). Articles may not be included in the next issue, but may be reserved for a future issue. A few photos are encouraged if appropriate to the article.


The Pathfinder editor may make minor changes to articles for length, to correct grammar and punctuation, to make a statement clearer or easier to understand, etc.


Simple “For Sale” or “Want to Buy” ads are free to members and will be included for a fee of $15 for non-members. Items must by cycling-related. Ads run for three months or until the person placing the ad requests it to be stopped, whichever occurs first. Ads for bikes should include the frame size, age of bike and general condition. Other information such as color, type of shifters, etc. is optional, but often very useful in selling the item. Please keep ads as brief as possible; space is limited. Photos are encouraged.

Submission guidelines

Articles must be cycling-related. Items of local interest are preferred. Please do not copy articles from other publications.

For all material, electronic submission is preferred. The editor will NOT retype articles submitted as hard copy. Rich Text or Plain Text files are preferred. If you have questions, please contact the editor.

Current newsletter editor:

John Wente
jwente49 at  or  405-618-0893 (please leave a message if there is no answer)