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Promoting fun and safe cycling
in central Oklahoma since 1974


2021 OBS Goals and Objectives

GOAL #1: Hold the Annual OBS Streak Ride (Main fundraising and membership drive)
GOAL #2: Membership Benefit - RidewithGPS Club privileges.
GOAL #3: New OBS Jersey available for purchase.
GOAL #4: Facilitate Training and Riding Opportunities for OBS Members.
GOAL #5: Participate in Activities to Improve Cycling Safety, Culture, and Infrastructure

LEGACY OBJECTIVES: To provide a united voice for all those interested in bicycling in order to defend and protect the rights of cyclists.
  • To encourage the allocation of facilities for cycling on public property.
  • To secure a better understanding and recognition of the need for safer riding conditions.
  • To cooperate with the public authorities in observance of all traffic regulations.
  • To facilitate safety and proper regulation and recognition of the bicycle as a vehicle for pleasure, health and economical transportation.
  • To provide a uniting medium, cooperating with other organized bicycling groups and unaffiliated members to promote the general interest of bicycling in all of its phases.

    2021 OBS Goals Strategies

    Goal #1: Hold the Annual OBS Streak Ride 1. Planning
    2. Funding and Other Resources - Registration, Solicitation
    3. Permits and Coordinations
    4. Delegation of Responsibilities to Committees 
    5. Execution
    5. Critique
    Goal #2: Membership Benefits - RidewithGPS Club Membership
    1. Create and maintain RideWithGPS Club Website
    2. Offer RideWGPS Club membership as part of OBS membership.
    3. Manager Club Route Library
    4. Assist members on how to use the library, their applications, and devices.
    Goal #3: New OBS Jersey 1. Design Creation/Selection
    2. Vendor Selection
    3. Sell to members
    4. Receive orders and deliver to members
    5. Critique
    Goal #4: Facilitate Riding and Training Opportunities for Members Initiative #1: Assist beginning riders to achieve their cycling goals
    • Strategy: Help beginning riders prepare for OK Freewheel and HHH Century
    • OBS Training Rides:Spring Training (March to June):
      • Progressive distances from 20-60 miles (OK Freewheel)Summer Training (June to August):
      • Progressive Distances 50-80 miles (HHH Century)
    • Other T-Shirt Rides (Provide list of events and encourage participation)
       Initiative #2: Assist intermediate riders to achieve their cycling goals
    • Strategy: Help riders who can ride 30-miles at 15 mph ride longer and faster
    • OBS Training Rides:
      • Spring Training: Join the lead group for increased challenge
      • Summer Training: Progressive Distances 50 – 80 milesOBS Special Events (i.e., Mount Scott Climb)
    • Join Other Rides (Examples):
      • 2021 Training Rides (Kelli Eschman/Troy Manicom - organizers)
      • Rides: Boxcar Ride, Farmers Market Ride, Trek Evening Ride, etc.
      • Facebook Groups: OKC Bicycle Riders, Edmond Velo, etc.
      • Bicycle Clubs: Bicycle League of Norman (BLN)
       Initiative #3: Provide riding opportunities to casual riders
    • Strategy: Facilitate rides for riders who want to ride at casual pace
    • Ride Opportunities
      • Donut Ride
      • Sunday Coffee Ride
      • Weekly Leisure Ride
      • Resume Floating Course Rides (FCR) in Fall/Winter 2021

    GOAL #5: Participate in Activities to Improve Cycling Safety, Culture, and Infrastructure

    Initiative #1: Active participation in cycling related committees
    • Oklahoma City Planning
      • BikeWalkOKC Plan
      • Oklahoma City Trails System
    • ACOG Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety PRogram
      • Watch for Me
      • Bike Month Activities
    • Wellness Alliance
      • KeepMovingOKC
    • Urban Rail System - Regional Transportation Authority of Central Oklahoma (

    Initiative #2: Memberships/Partnerships with other Organizations with similar Goals

    • Bike Oklahoma (Bill Elliott, President)
      • Bike Summit
      • Legislation Assistance
    • League of American Bicyclists ($100/year)
    • Redbud Classic – September 11, 2021
    • Cycle 66 – November 2021



    Initiative #3: Special Projects (Examples)

    • Helmet$ 4 Kids and build bikes for Salvation Army Angel Tree program
    • Donate and install Bulletin Board for Lake Arcadia Trail
    • Explore opportunities for additional projects.

    Initiative #4:Enhance OBS Organizational Culture

    • Post Ride Refreshments (Jul 3, Reaves Park Norman, Edge of the Earth Summer Ride)
    • Summer Social (Aug 14, Will Rogers Park, Tentative)
    • End-of-Year Social (TBD)
    • Day-Ride of Tulsa River Trail (No dates yet, 50 miles)
    • Grand Tour - Post Pandemic Reset, Fayetteville/Bentonville