The Donut Ride
It was a beautiful Spring morning when we arrived at Will Rogers park. The Ride Leader gave us some instructions, such as staying behind the fastest rider. And off we went, winding our way through lovely historic neighborhoods, including the unique "Carey Place". We arrived at Browns Bakery after riding about 6 miles, all along at a leisurely pace. It was a delight to get to meet and talk with the others in our group. After eating a donut or two, we returned back to Will Rogers park. I look forward to coming back each week to ride with our new friends.
The West River Trail
The West River Trail is a 7.5-mile cycling/walking trail that is located along the Oklahoma River. It starts at the south edge of Lake Overholser at 10th and Eagle Lane and ends at SW 15th and Meridian. This trail connects to the Lake Overholser trail to the north-west, and the OKC River trail to the south-east.
The trail opened in 2015, and some say it is the nicest trail in OKC. There are parking lots at the 10th and Eagle lane, at Reno west of Council, at Crystal Lake (near SW 15th and MacArthur), and at SW 15th and Meridian. Click HERE for more info.
The OKC River Trails
This trail extends 6 miles on the north side of the Oklahoma River, and 8 miles on the south side of the river. It starts on the east end near the Chesapeake boat house, where there are parking lots. It ends on the west end at SW 15th and Meridian. There are parking lots on Robinson, Commerce, Agnew, Portland, and Meridian. There is a rest room at the Portland parking lot. There is a bridge that crosses the river at Meridian, which joins up to the West River Trail. There is also bridge crossing at Portland, Robinson and Byers ( Lincoln ).
Click HERE for more info.
The Katy Trail in Missouri
The Katy Trail is a 237 mile (386 km) trail stretching across most of the state of Missouri. Over half of it follows Lewis and Clark's path up the Missouri River, where you can ride beneath towering river bluffs while eagles circle overhead.
After leaving the river, the trail meanders through peaceful farmland and small-town Americana.
America's longest "rails-to-trail" project, formerly the MKT rail line, is flat and scenic. It's ideal for hiking, running, or cycling on just about any kind of bike. Click HERE for more info.
The OBS Streak
At 7:30 a.m. on the first Sunday after Labor Day each year, the OBS Streak bicycle ride rolls out of the parking lot of Edmond’s Mitch Park. The Oklahoma Bicycle Society has held some type of distance event in the fall since 1973.
For many years, proceeds from the Streak have provided helmets for each child who receives a bike for Christmas through the Salvation Army's Buck$ for Bike$ program (up to as many as 1400 kids!).
The ride consists of 100-kilometer (62-mile), 40-mile and 25-mile distance. Well stocked rest stops, support on the routes, door prizes after the ride .Click HERE for more info.