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Promoting fun and safe cycling
in central Oklahoma since 1974

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Stories from OBS Members

 photo of John McClure

John McClure

The last time I was really into biking was in Junior High.  I had purchased a Western Flyer 3-speed "English" bike from the local Western Auto Store with my lawn mowing money.  It cost me all of $69!  But soon after, I got a car.  So much for biking.  Fast forward 50 years to late 2013 when I "found" a discarded Wal-Mart Huffy bike with fat tires.  Still recovering from knee replacement surgery some 18 months previous, I soon found that my knee loved this Huffy bike and biking.  My thirst for biking had just been renewed!  At the beginning of 2014 I took the plunge and bought a really nice Raleigh hybrid bicycle from a very respectable local bike shop.  Also in 2014, I discovered the OBS Donut Ride and soon realized just how much fun the group rides were.  8 months later I found myself taking the next step into a serious road bike.  I am now pedaling 5,000+ miles per year and am into the t-shirt ride thing as evidence by the many t-shirts I have collected.  It's safe to say OBS has had a tremendous impact on my life.  OBS has opened up a whole new social network in addition to the health and physical fitness benefits I've experienced.  I have made the best friends ever.  They all love riding bikes, hanging out, and doing lots of fun things.  Thank you OBS!  You've given me a whole new lease on life!
 photo of John Wente

John Wente


I’m not a joiner. I don’t normally join clubs, civic organizations, etc. But, my cycling friends kept encouraging me to join Oklahoma Bicycle Society, and so I took the plunge way back in 199? (I’ve forgotten the exact year). I must tell you, I’m VERY glad I did! I’ve met more friends and experienced more cycling adventures than I ever would have even imagined had I not joined. From weekly rides to week-long adventures in many states, I’ve enjoyed each and every ride I’ve ever done with OBS. In addition, I and my closest cycling buddies have done several do-it-yourself rides, both in and out of Oklahoma. These are some of my most treasured memories. Just a few close friends riding, joking, enjoying each other and enjoying life on two wheels—people I would never had met had I not joined OBS. If you are considering joining OBS, I wholeheartedly encourage you to do so. It’s the most enjoyment you’ll ever get for the small sum of $20 per year.


Bill Elliott

I joined OBS in 2010 to help me get in shape for the annual Oklahoma Freewheel, a 500 mile, one week ride that crosses the state from the Texas border to the Kansas Border. My bike shop suggested the OBS spring training rides would help me get in shape to be able to ride 60-70 miles a day for 6 days in a row. After that I participated in many of the OBS rides, such as the Donut ride, FCR ride, and some of the annual rides.  I helped to lead the annual Grand Boulevard ride ( 35 mile loop around OKC ), the annual Grand Tour, and helped teach bike safety classes. OBS is a great organization to meet other fun bike riders, and to build my cycling skills.

Sharon White


It had been a long time since I had ridden a bicycle but in Jan 2011, I decided to give it a try.  My first event and T-shirt ride was April 2011 and I fell in love with cycling.  I didn’t want to be riding alone all of the time and wanted some company so I checked the internet and found the Oklahoma Bicycle Society (OBS) and went to a ride without knowing anyone and I found a very welcoming group of people.  So, I joined the group and from that point on I have met wonderful, supportive and encouraging people, mentors of the sport of cycling in OBS.  They have supported me in times of struggle and cheered me on and rejoiced with me in times of accomplishment.  I have experienced many great rides and traveling the roads of our great land with others that enjoy the same thing.  I could not and would not have done any of this without the company and support from OBS members.  I can’t say enough about OBS and the connection I feel with other cyclists and have made many friends.  I love this group and it is the best $20.00 per year I have ever spent and will ever spend.  Thank you OBS for being there for me and others!!


Ride on and stay upright !!!

Sharon Richeson White


 Kathy Pearson

Why join OBS?  To be honest, I didn’t originally plan to become a member; biking was just a temporary solution to running injuries.  But, to my pleasant surprise, the OBS rides were so much fun and the people were so friendly and inclusive, helmets and bike gear quickly replaced running shoes and stress fractures.  Before I knew it, I was hooked!  Of course, it’s more than just the Saturday doughnuts – it was about the patient riders who taught me bike gearing (thank you, Roger!), the OBS leaders who made sure I didn’t drop, and the encouraging members who willingly shared their knowledge. These things, combined with so many different rides, friends and fun make the OBS experience special.

Thanks to OBS and the metro’s biking advocates, our city is becoming a healthier, more cycle friendly community.  It’s great for our city’s future and adds to the vibrancy of our area.  Job well done, OBS!  And Fred Kamp, you are my hero!