Bicycle Friendly Community
The Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC?) program provides a roadmap to improve conditions for bicycling and the guidance to make your distinct vision for a better, bikeable community a reality.
A BFC welcomes bicyclists by providing safe accommodations for bicycling and encouraging people to bike for transportation and recreation. Making bicycling safe and convenient are keys to improving public health, reducing traffic congestion, improving air quality and improving quality of life.
Click HERE for info on the Bicycle Friendly Community program.
In 2014 an application was sent to the League of American Bicyclists for designating OKC as a Bicycle Friendly Community. In November OKC was notified that the “Honorable Mention” level was awarded. The L.A.B. has released the recommendations for actions that OKC could do to be considered for the Bicycle Friendly Community award.
The application from 2014 Open
OKC was awarded the "Honorable Mention" level
Those suggestions for moving to the bronze level are available for your viewing here: Scorecard Feedback
Another application was submitted in 2016. Results of that application to be posted here in the future.