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Promoting fun and safe cycling
in central Oklahoma since 1974

HomeOBS No-Drop Policy

OBS No-Drop Policy

On all OBS beginner, casual and moderately-paced rides we have a policy of never dropping a rider–that is, we will not ride off an leave a rider behind. This is to encourage new riders or those not familiar with the route to join us with the confidence that they will not be left to fend for themselves. Our ride leaders are also experienced in handling minor road-side repairs such as repairing a flat or putting a thrown chain back on the drivetrain, but all riders are encourage to eventually learn to perform these simple tasks themselves and to carry tire changing tools, a spare tube and a pump or gas cylinders to re-inflate a repaired tire.

This policy is NOT an invitation for riders to participate in a ride that is beyond their normal ride distance or pace capabilities. OBS strives to provide a range of ride distances and paces to suit most cyclists. We strongly encourage new cyclists to begin with the slower paced rides and gradually work up to the faster paces if they so desire. Ask the ride leader of the slower rides for advice on moving up to another pace and/or distance. They will be able to guide you and give you advice on increasing speed and distance.