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Promoting fun and safe cycling
in central Oklahoma since 1974

Association of Central Oklahoma Governments - Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee
Click HERE  for their web site
Transportation Alternatives Program ( TAP )

Periodically the federal government will release funds for projects that help promote cycling and walking. Those funds are distributed to the states and the states then follow a process to identify projects within cities that serve those goals. This year Oklahoma had $22 million to distribute. The guidelines for this year were that the projects had to be outside of metropolitan areas, So OKC and Tulsa were excluded this time around ( other years OKC and Tulsa were included ).

46 projects were awarded funds for submitted projects.

If you are interested in learning about the projects that received funding – click HERE for  list and HERE for a map.

Of significance  for the central Oklahoma area is a $1.2 Million project for the Arcadia Lake trails. The city of Edmond is contributing $500K and the other $700K comes from the TAP grant. This award gets us one step closer to a new multi-use trail around Arcadia Lake.