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HomeEventsPontotoc Pursuit - DATE NOT CONFIRMED

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Pontotoc Pursuit - DATE NOT CONFIRMED

Date and Time

Saturday, September 27, 2025, 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM


Wintersmith Park
1700 Wintersmith Drive
Ada, OK  


T-Shirt Rides

Registration Info

Registration is required

About this event

This ride will feature three routes: 8, 30,and 44 miles with a prize drawing at noon! A meal will be provided as well.

30 and 44-mile rides start at 9:00 AM. 8-mile ride starts at 10:00.

No registration fee, register online now through Sept. 26 by 5 p.m. at; register on race day, Sept. 28.

Other info: Event packets and t-shirts cannot be mailed, T-shirt to the first 100 individuals registered.

Participation medals awarded as cyclist cross the finish line. Prize drawing is posted at noon, meal service is from 11 am to 1:30 pm

If the registration link does not work, please contact Misty Ray at 580-272-5476.